Many people ask me what are the ingredients are in NiteTrim? Are the ingredients in safe? And why are they so effective? The secret is the combination of ingredients and their ability to work together. Nite Trim is currently the only weight-loss formula to combine an antioxidant with real South African Hoodia. What is Hoodia? It is a totally natural appetite suppressant that can help you lose weight with no side effects. I've spoken directly with the formulation expert who helped develop the NiteTrim formula, and he emphasized the fact that the Hoodia in Nite Trim was not the inexpensive and ineffective Hoodia from China, but the very expensive, highly effective and very rare Hoodia from South Africa.
Another question I hear often: But Hoodia comes in dozens of weight-loss products, why is NiteTrim different? It's the ingredients that are combined with Hoodia that makes Nite Trim so special. The secret is not so much the ingredients.but how they work together. For example, Ginger is added to night tram to help cleanse the colon, reduce spasms and cramps, stimulate circulation and aid in metabolism. Another benefit of Ginger is that is it is a strong antioxidant and effective microbial agent.
Another ingredient, potassium, an electrolyte, necessary for proper fat digestion. Potassium has become widely acclaimed for being essential in the normal growth of the body and for the replacement of worn-out tissues. Another powerful NiteTrim ingredient is Bromelain. It is a group of powerful protein digesting enzymes that are found in the pineapple plant. It is also an anti-inflammatory.
It works by breaking down fibrin, a blood clotting protein that can impede good circulation and prevent tissues from draining properly. When inflammation is reduced, blood can move more easily to a damaged area ease pain and speed healing and help remove toxins from the body. Detoxifying the body's organs is an extremely important element when trying to lose weight. Apple cider vinegar is very effective in detoxifying not only the various organs in the body but also the blood stream. It is a purifier that breaks down fatty and mucous deposits. Cider vinegar also helps oxygenate the blood that consequently prevents the blood from becoming too thick in gluey, which can strain the heart and blood vessels resulting in high blood pressure.
Cayenne is a heart stimulant to help circulation and the upper digestive tract. It will improve blood supply and toxin removal acting as an antioxidant. By adding Cayenne and to an antioxidant formula it may propel the ingredients to tissues, even with poor circulation.
The combination of these all-natural holistic ingredients in NiteTrim will work in tune with your body. They can promote overall health and support weight loss. For more information visit: http://www.ColumbineOrganics.
Steven M Schultz lives in Loveland, Colorado USA. He is a restaurateur (The Hobnob Restaurant), a professional candy maker (Columbine Almond Toffee), an active Forex Currency Trader and a martial artist (Black Belt in Haidong Gumdo). He is married with three children. For more Information and a FREE report [ Click Here ]